- They tend to lose the first games of any playoff series.
- Their record against Detroit is less than stellar.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Hockey Friday: Sharks v Detroit
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I Heart Indie Crafts on May 2nd

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Lollies on the Beach

One of our wonderful customers posted this lovely picture of our Celebration Time lollipops on Facebook awhile back. No clue which beach this is, but I love it!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Salt Does What?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Hockey Friday: The Playoffs
Thursday, April 22, 2010
How My Mom Inspires Me

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Adventure Travel Questions

Rio de JaneiroI now have many, many new places I want to visit.
New Zealand
South Africa
Georgia (the country, not the state)
Gili Trawangan
Agrigento, Sicily
photo from the Gili Trawangan page on Wikipedia
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Nearly 300 Etsy Sales!
Monday, April 19, 2010
5th Annual Flying House Art & Craft Sale
Thursday, April 15, 2010
In Case You Were Wondering
We’ve checked with our suppliers of flavors and colors, and confirmed that our lollipop ingredients are definitely gluten-free. However, our colors are not vegan (though we're working to understand exactly how).
As far as allergies go, you might want to know:
- We spray the lollipop molds with oil that contains soy lecithin. If you’re allergic to soy, you might need to steer clear of our lollipops. We’re looking for a soy-free alternative so that we can lift this recommendation!
- Birthday Cake flavor contains adorable neon candy confetti pieces as decoration. These contain soy.
- Some flavors, such as Hazelnut-Coffee, contain natural nut flavors. These are noted in the applicable Etsy store listings, so you know which flavors to avoid if you are nut-allergic.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Attention Etsy Shoppers: Changes to Checkout
Etsy is hard at work making improvements to their site. We wanted to let our blog-reading customers know about some upcoming changes to the Etsy Checkout system.
According to Etsy’s blog post about its plans for March & April,
… The biggest change is that a buyer will go to PayPal and authorize the payment, then come back to Etsy in order to actually complete the transaction. For more info, see this flowchart on PayPal’s info page.
If you shop on other sites with PayPal, you’re probably used to this, because it’s how most other sites do it.
It sounds like a bigger improvement is in the works from PayPal. This one’s really exciting, in my opinion:
Our ideal Checkout is to have a single payment cover all purchases, even those from multiple sellers. This is on the horizon, as PayPal readies their split payments feature for Express Checkout.
We don’t know exactly when any of these changes will go ‘live’ on Etsy. If you’ve placed an order and have questions about whether your payment has been recorded, you can use Etsy’s convo system to contact us.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Hockey Friday: The Playoffs
My favorite team, the San Jose Sharks, have had their playoff berth locked up for awhile. The only thing that remains to be seen is whether they end up first or second in the Western Conference. (Just please don't let them end up playing the Red Wings in the first round.) Susan's favorite team, the Flyers, is on the cusp. Their next couple of games will determine if they make it to the post-season. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her and them!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Celebration Time: Alternate Photo
As always, we experimented with a few different backgrounds for our Celebration Time trio photos. You’ve probably seen the one we’re using on Etsy:
We just love how cheerful and upbeat this looks. The fireworks background seems well matched with the fun flavors in this collection, and the background doesn’t upstage the lollipops.
One of the backgrounds we rejected was a blue sky with soap bubbles floating in it. What I like about this photo is the staggering of the lollipops. But we thought the blue background affected the color of the pink Bubble Gum and the yellow Birthday Cake lollipops in unwelcome ways. Do you agree?
photos by Kevin Keeker
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
A Hard Lesson Learned
While I was making the custom lollipops for the LICK art opening, something went seriously wrong with one of the lollipop colors. The lollipops in question were supposed to be orange-flavored and a sparkly-flesh color (Caucasian flesh, to be specific). Unfortunately, they turned out disappointingly orange, like the color you might turn with a too-aggressive application of self-tanner or something.
After playing a few rounds of Food Science Detective back at home, I realized that part of the problem was that during the design iterations, I’d never actually made a version that combined the color and flavor ingredients that Catherine, our client, had requested. I’d made test versions of the color, and test versions of the flavor, but never together in the same batch.
It turned out that the orange flavor and the citric acid that I added to heighten the flavor were affecting the colors I was using.
From now on, when working on custom projects, I will always remember to make a final test batch that uses all the correct ingredients before proceeding to the professional kitchen!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Salted Caramel Lollipops, 4 Month Subscription

Q about an all Salted Caramel lollies of the month club: We send you 12 Salted Caramel lollies each month for 4 months. Yes/no?The overwhelming response was: yes! So, here you go: a four-month subscription of Salted Caramel lollipops. For 4 straight months, a dozen Salted Caramel lollipops shows up on your doorstep for you to eat or share with your best friends. Yum!
Photo by Kevin Keeker
Monday, April 5, 2010
Family Lollipop Collection of the Month

So we created the Family Lollipop Collection of the Month. You get two lollipop collections every month - which means a dozen delicious, uniquely-flavored lollipops delivered to your door every month.
Month 1: Adventurer's Pack, Sweet Valentine
Month 2: Celebration Time, Ginger Jewel Lollipops
Month 3: Spice Rack, Love Triangle
Month 4: Breakfast Tray (still under development!), and subscriber's choice
Wouldn't it be lovely to automatically satisfy your sweet tooth every month?
Photo by Kevin Keeker
Friday, April 2, 2010
Lollipop Collection of the Month

We ended up creating a lollipop collection of the month subscription. It lasts for six months, and you get one of each of our collections:
Month 1: Adventurer's Pack
Month 2: Ginger Jewel Lollipops
Month 3: Celebration Time
Month 4: Spice Rack
Month 5: Love Triangle
Month 6: Breakfast Tray (still under development!)
Just think about it: you could always have a supply of lollipops. Worth thinking about, no?
Photo by Kevin Keeker
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Limited Edition: Jewel Lollipops For Sale
We liked them, so we’re selling a limited run of the lollipops that we made for the LICK art opening. Each pack contains
- three white Coconut-Ginger, and
- three sparkly Peach-Ginger lollipops.
Tropical Coconut and sweet Peach are excellent matches for the spicy kick of Ginger, which is in the red “jewel” that’s embedded in each lollipop. These are very unusual, gorgeous, and delicious!
Order them while they last from our Etsy store: 6 Jewel Lollipops. Let us know if ginger blends should become part of our regular rotation!
Photo by Kevin Keeker