What's the main change? For the US? Nothing - the rates stayed similar enough that if you live in the United States, shipping costs the same as it ever did. If you live outside the US and love our lollipops, read on!
Outside the US, it turns out that a lot of our additional package shipping costs have actually fallen. The cost to ship the first pack of lollipops has risen a bit, but if you buy more than one pack at a time, you shouldn't notice any difference. In fact, order enough of them and you might be paying less than you would have before. :)
And, if you live in Mexico? We've figured out that it makes sense for Mexico to have its own shipping rates. (I think we've only ever shipped one package to Mexico, but that's no reason to overcharge any future orders.)
Here are the nitty-gritty details:
Orders within the United States:
- The shipping & handling rates haven’t changed
- Lollipop collections (such as Adventurer’s Pack) cost $3.50 shipping & handling for the first one, $1.50 for each additional
- Lollipops by the dozen (such as Black Pepper Melon) cost $5 shipping & handling for the first one, $2 for each additional
- Lollipop collections (such as Celebration Time) cost $5 shipping & handling for the first one, $1 for each additional
- Lollipops by the dozen (such as Root Beer Float) cost $5.50 shipping & handling for the first one, $2 for each additional
- Lollipop collections (such as Spice Rack) cost $8 shipping & handling for the first one, $1 for each additional
- Lollipops by the dozen (such as Nutmeg Crème) cost $9 shipping & handling for the first one, $2 for each additional
- Lollipop collections (such as Fruit Basket) cost $10 shipping & handling for the first one, $1 for each additional
- Lollipops by the dozen (such as Triple Berry) cost $11 shipping & handling for the first one, $2 for each additional
So what are you waiting for? Buy some charming candy today, because you deserve a ten minute treat :-)