- Overall, Salted Caramel was both highly recognized and highly ranked. This wasn't really a surprise to us, as it's a highly requested flavor.
- There was no correlation between how recognized a flavor was and its average rating.
- The fruit flavors generally ranked high, but while people could guess they were a fruit, which fruit was a challenge -- Pomegranate, for example, had the second highest average rating but only a 7% recognition rate.
- Teaberry -- which, we must confess, we thought was going to be poorly rated -- did surprisingly well. It had a 6% recognition rate, but ranked 10th overall.
- The two flavors with spices in them -- Tangerine-Clove and Vanilla-Cardamom -- were polarizing. Over 25% of tasters gave them 4's and 5's, but over 30% of tasters also gave them 1's. It seems you either love them or you hate them.
- Coffee was also polarizing. Thirty-eight percent of people gave it a 4 or 5, but 31% gave it a 1. Interestingly, one commenter said: "very true to flavor - but I don't like coffee.
loves coffee and doesn't like the flavor."
Photo by Kevin Keeker
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