Friday, August 26, 2011

The Return of Hockey Friday!

Instead of an Eye Candy post this Friday, I wanted to at least briefly resurrect the Hockey Friday series. The NHL recently posted an interesting video about the prototypes of new nets they’re testing in research & development. Dan Craig explains:

Dan Craig explains potential changes to the NHL goal

The first changes he describes are to make the footprint of the goal cage smaller. You might think that any change that involves the words “goal” and “smaller” would be designed to inhibit scoring – not so! The intention is to allow skaters to curve around the back of the goal cage faster, increasing their chances of scoring a wraparound goal! I love counter-intuitive stuff like that.

Some of you know that Kate & I are not only hockey fans, but we have experience working in user research and usability. From that perspective, I’m also intrigued by the changes that are intended to help the referees determine whether to call a goal or not: clear plastic instead of an opaque goal skirt along the bottom pipe and behind the crossbar.

The one thing I can’t figure is the green line painted on the ice. Craig says that if any part of the puck is touching the green line then it should be ruled a goal. How is that any easier to determine than whether the puck has completely crossed the *red* goal line?


I mean, um, are you looking forward to the start of the next sports seasons? Hockey, football, college football, basketball etc? What’s your favorite sport to watch? How about to participate in?

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