Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Golden Treasure Inside

a screen shot of our treasuries
I like Etsy treasuries. What's a treasury? It's basically a grouping of 16 items around a theme - often a color, but sometimes something else. Color can be an easy way out - it's fairly simple to find a bunch of items that are the same color and look good together, like this treasury I created yesterday in about 10 minutes:

It can be harder to find a bunch of items on a theme. I have a soft spot for science-themed treasuries, like this periodic table of the elements treasury from awhile back:

Can you tell I enjoy making them?  It must be the librarian in me who likes organizing things. What can I choose today? I like looking a treasuries too, not for the shopping potential, but for the organizing principles behind them. What did other people think was interesting to group together? Why'd they do that? What makes this one unique? It's always easiest to find the most popular ones, so I also sometimes think about what makes one treasury more popular than another, but I find that less interesting (I have to confess).

Do you make treasuries? How often? How do you organize your treasuries? Do you look at treasuries? Do they help you make buying decisions, or do you just like to look?

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