We knew we wanted apple involved in the Blood Sucker somehow. Vampires personify temptation and so much of Twilight is about avoiding temptation. The book even has an apple on the cover. But what to pair with it? Cinnamon-apple seemed obvious, but no matter what the ratio, cinnamon completely overwhelmed the apple flavor. We tried anise with apple on a whim. Our tasters looked vaguely askance at us, then tried it. Everyone -- even those who don't normally like anise -- raved about it. We knew we had a winner.

We went back and forth for awhile about what flavor to make the Sweetheart. The only thing we could find in Twilight was that Edward thinks Bella's blood smells floral. Jasmine was one of the flavors at the tasting party, but it didn't do well. So we tried some other floral flavors -- including one that tasted like "sugared old lady's underwear" -- before going back to jasmine. Susan's already written about how simply adding honey did wonders for jasmine. Once we hit on that, we knew the Sweetheart was done.

The Lickanthrope was the hardest to come up with. All we knew was that the flavors should scream Pacific Northwest, and that our tasters were calling Apple-Anise and Honey-Jasmine "home runs" and we needed something that would live up to the hype. We considered a plethora of flavors; most were all right, but nothing spectacular. We got the most enthusiastic comments about hazelnut-coffee and mocha-hazelnut. When we narrowed the flavors down to those two, it was clear that hazelnut-coffee was the winner.

We are incredibly proud of all these flavors, and we hope you'll like them too!
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