Monday, January 25, 2010

Introducing Privateer Whackadoodle

Our recent photoshoots included some camera-time for what we call our “collection bags” – the bags of 6 lollipops from the Spice Rack, Fruit Basket, Love Triangle or the Sweet Valentine collections. These are, I think, a little harder to photograph nicely because they’re so much bigger than our usual subjects, i.e. individual pops.

Privateer Whackadoodle to the rescue! Privateer Whackadoodle is the silly nickname we’ve given to one of the chrome thingies that we use for displaying candy at craft fairs. He’s got some convenient little appendages for hanging the candy bags, as you can see:

one plastic bag of fruit-flavored lollipops hanging from a chome standtwo plastic bags of fruit-flavored lollipops hanging from a chome stand

The first time we tried him out, we just put one bag of candy on him and the background was kind of a neutral color. While we liked the shot on the left, we thought maybe there was too much of Privateer Whackadoodle showing, so the second time around, we tried hanging two bags and using a darker background.

Which one do you like better? What else might we try?

Photos by Kevin Keeker


  1. fwiw, we served a collection of lollies for dessert to some friends in a simple, clear glass cup. it was like a bouquet of lolliflowers. surprisingly pleasant to look at.

  2. Do you have a picture? We'd love to see it!

  3. The lollies in the glass were kinda pretty. (No photo, but I'll try to reproduce soon.) I don't think it looked as nice as the lollies in the glass jar on your blog, K8 (if I recall correctly).

    Does the bagged photo have to show the entire bag? Can you line up the lollies so all the pretty colors are directly behind the bag label and photo that way (sans privateer)?

  4. We do want to show the whole bag -- it's important for new customers to be as informed as they can be about what the product is. We've got dimensional info in the listings, but I'm not sure how easy that is for people to see in their heads.

    I do like the idea of focusing in on the label in one of the pictures we're allowed, though. Hmmm...


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