Friday, March 18, 2011

Eye Candy: Slinky

pic from
 Curious George's Notes from the Hut
I was casting about for an appropriate topic for today's eye candy post - which means I was scanning the page of ideas as well as a couple of other websites I use for inspiration - when my eye landed on the Slinky that lives on my desk.

It might be the post-lunch food coma, I'm in, but the Slinky is kind of an amazing toy. It's fun to play with. Almost everyone likes them. They help teach high school & college kids physics. They come in all sorts of colors (though I have to admit that I prefer the classic metal ones). And I find that shuffling its weight from one hand to the other* is oddly relaxing. I just wish I lived in a house with stairs so I could use it more often.

* Or whatever it's called when you hold one end in each hand and move your hands so it shifts its weight back and forth. Shuffling seemed like a close enough word. Is there a better term?

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